26 July 2024

Kagem Mining receives safety award from Zambian government

The Lufwanyama-based emerald mine’s commitment to workplace safety and responsible practice was underscored by this achievement – which recognises its exceptional record in terms of Lost Time Injury (LTI)-free hours.


The awards ceremony took place in Kitwe, with mining industry, government and union representatives and members of the Lufwanyama community all turning out to celebrate Kagem’s record of over 7.5 million LTI-free hours. This indicates that the mine – majority-owned by Gemfields – has been taking strides to prioritise safety protocols and workers’ wellbeing.

The award was bestowed by the Government of Zambia’s Mines Safety Department to Kagem Mining Ltd. Lost Time Injury (LTI)-free hours are a critical marker of a mine’s productivity, with a Lost Time Injury (LTI) referring to an injury to an employee that results in a loss of work time. To have achieved 7,580,144 Lost Time Injury (LTI)-free hours is a testament to the high standards that Kagem and its parent company Gemfields strives to uphold.

Many key figures across the mining industry and local community spoke at the awards ceremony. The Chief Inspector of Mines, Mr Lubinda Kamutumwa, said: “I extend my deepest gratitude to Kagem for their exemplary dedication to safety. This recognition is a testament to the hard work and commitment of every member of the Kagem team. Looking forward, I believe that Kagem will continue to set the standard for safety in the mining industry.”

This latest milestone is just another example of how Kagem strives to set new standards in the mining industry. The mine has received previous accolades for LTI-free hours and, in 2023, became the first company in Africa to be certified to the Environmental Social and Governance Clarity Platform.